Forest of Reading is Here!

See our new blog post for more information about the 2021 Forest of Reading program.

Or, visit the Forest of Reading website to learn more about the program and this year's White Pine nominees!

#HCCReads Let's Talk: Virtual Discussion with Sheila Watt Cloutier

The HCC Reads is engaging students with the book "The Right to be Cold" by Author, Climate Change Champion, and Canadian Icon, Sheila Watt-Cloutier.

Ms. Watt-Clouiter's book gives an authentic perspective of climate change, sharing personal reflections on the challenges and impacts in Northern Canada. Sheila Watt-Cloutier is both inspiring and courageous. It is a biography, concentrating on Sheila Watt-Cloutier’s life’s work to protect the Inuit culture, and the Arctic.

This volunteer experience is for any Halton Students who want to secure 15 volunteer hours. There are FOUR MANDATORY steps that need to be achieved for you to receive these hours:

  1. Read "The Right To Be Cold", available on-line and in person at your local Library and at HDSB libraries.

  1. Watch the Author, Sheila Watt Cloutier's talk on November 19th at 8pm - 9 pm (available on-line - you must register at - and on Cogeco YourTV, at 8pm) This is the ONLY date for the viewing. Again this date and time is mandatory for securing your volunteer hours. You can watch virtually or on your local Cogeco Channel.

Event Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  1. Create 5 questions you would like to ask the Author. Then send us the questions to by November 22 at Midnight (12:00 am). You must add your name, and school to this email. Once this email is sent you will receive further communications about completing the task.

  2. Now create your own ACTION! For this activity you can choose one of the following activities:

  • Create 5 unique social media posts for one week, using your own social media account and using the #HCCReads Make sure you highlight why and how you are taking action after reading the book.

  • Create a blog post that will be added to the Halton Climate Collective Website. In your blog highlight why we need to take local action and/or what was the impact of reading the book.

  • Start a letter writing campaign. Highlighting the need for climate action, send your letter to local officials, and cc

  • Host a meeting or attend your schools eco club meetings and talk about the book, follow up actions you can propel and promote as a team.

  • Or design your own action- reach out to and let us know what action you would like to take and we will ensure the fit.

Starting Date: Start reading the book anytime! You can read the book after the November 19th event. This volunteer opportunity will close on December 15, 2020.

We will assign 15 volunteer hours to students who complete all 3 of these tasks.

To register for volunteer hours you MUST fill out the following form:

For more details please visit:

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to
The Halton Environmental Network, is the backbone agency of the Halton Climate Collective.

This year WOSS Library is doing things a little different!

Looking for a book? WOSS Library is still here to meet your reading needs!

Fill in the request form for what you are looking for, here:

Items will be checked out to your account and placed on the table in the hallway outside of the library, labelled with the first 5 letters of your last name.

To return an item, please place the item in the blue bin provided in the hallway outside of the library! Items will be quarantined before they are checked in, so if you do not see the item taken off of your record right away, do not worry!

And don't forget to check out all of amazing databases and virtual resources!

Remember, the library doors are closed, but your books don't have to be!

WOSS Library now has a BLOG!

Our blog is filled with virtual book displays, library programming, research guides and much more. Stay tuned for more posts!

We'd also love to receive contributions to our blog from YOU! If you'd like to contribute a post, please fill out the following FORM.

Week of Nov. 25

In the summer of 2018, your WOSS Library underwent a massive renovation! We are now a state of the art, INTEGRATED library. This means that:

  • Staff from both the Oakville Public Library and WOSS Library can assist you

  • There is only ONE customer service desk

  • You may use any area of the library productively. However, we remind you that after the hours of 10am, the lower level is dedicated for the use of families with young children.

Library Transformation